Friday, September 5, 2008

Wanted: Discernment

I love when opportunities fall in my lap. I love being asked to do something. Somehow, though, my plate just became full. Too full, I think, and I don't know what to do, so I thought I'd talk it out here.
Here is what is on my plate:
  1. Regular job
  2. 2nd job
  3. Refugee Mission work
  4. Growth Group
  5. Stepping Up
  6. Piano lessons
  7. Nursery work
I haven't quite started - or actually gotten - that 2nd job, but I'm hopeful my interview this Wednesday will bode well in that department... hoping and praying... and begging.... Anyway I'm just worried how to balance everything, or if I shouldn't balance everything and give up something - or some things. I've been praying about it and then had a great conversation with a friend. Her advice was excellent: There are good opportunities and there are the best opportunities. Choose the best opportunities. Sounds simple enough... if only.

So which one is the best? I am absolutely certain the 2nd job is the best - especially since it's certain to get me to the end: out of debt and in to seminary, so I'll keep that one. Refugee work: Work with these people who don't know Jesus but want to know Jesus and they're right in our own backyard - that's what I want to do. Growth group & Stepping Up will keep me sane - at least that's what I'm hoping - building my relationships with friends and God, doesn't get much better right? Piano lessons - I can't really quit those, can I? And I don't really want to - just a little more income is always excellent. Nursery work - I'm at church anyway, so I think that one can stay. And plus it's really fun.

So basically, maybe everything can stay. Or maybe I can just see how things go and then decide?

1 comment:

Cheryl Read said...

Seems to me you came to your own best conclusion.